- Park Spoke Wrenches are precisely sized for the spoke nipple and made from durable materials that provide years of dependable use.
- Comfortable, vinyl dipped, two-sided spoke wrench is designed to easily access Mavic fittings, including the Mavic SSC Ksyrium and Crossmax SLR wheels
- The smaller end fits the 6-spline integrated nipples with 5.5mm OD splines, and 7mm thread size nipple
- The larger end fits the 6-spline 9mm OD of the threaded eyelets of the "FORE drilled rim adapters" found on rims such as the Mavic XM819, EX823 and Speedcity wheels
- Will not work on Mavic R-Sys wheels

Bike seat pad-Park Tool SW-13 SPOKE WRENCH for Mavic Wheels 6 Spline